Monday, January 23, 2012

Our Money Mind

Our life dimensions constitute true wealth – family, health, friends, spiritual life, and money. No doubt, one can be wealthy without being rich. Money is only an energy tool. Our lives, our relationships, and our happiness improve when we have enough money. To have a genuine commitment to accumulate money requires two things: (1) desire and (2) faith. You need to commit on faith.

        You can literally become a millionaire by investing as little as a peso a day or P30 a month. At 10%, you will become a millionaire at age 56. At 15%, you will be a millionaire at age 40. At 20%, you can be a millionaire at age 32. All that is required is: (1) the ability to find investments that yield at least 10%, and (2) the discipline to keep up the process, year in and year out. You can even be a billionaire on the investment of a peso a day given enough time and the right interest rate. Try to put aside P50, P100, P500 or as much you can afford. By then, you can make a million the fast way.

        First, your attitude will play a vital part in becoming rich. Make sure your attitude to create wealth will support you inner belief and values. Your income can grow only to the extent you do. The lack of money is merely a symptom of what is going underneath. Lack of money is the effect, but what is the root cause? It boils down to this. The only way to change your “outer” world is to first change your “inner” world. Your outer world is simply a reflection of your inner world.

        Each of us has a personal money and success blueprint already embedded in our subconscious mind, the “inner” world. And this blueprint will determine our financial destiny. T. Harv Eker, the author of the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind introduced a formula, which goes like this: T-F-A-R. Simply, our thoughts will lead to feeling; feelings to actions and actions will lead to results. Your thoughts originate from “files of information” in your mind. All the statements you heard about money when you were young remain in your subconscious mind.

        Juan shared with us that when he was growing up, his mother always used to say, “Rich people are greedy.” Thus, his mind linked up rich with greedy, which of course is bad. Since, he didn’t want to be bad, subconsciously he couldn’t be rich. Again, your subconscious conditioning determines your thoughts. Your thinking determines your feelings or decisions, and your decisions determine your actions, which eventually determine your outcomes or result.

        Again, you have all the knowledge and skills in the world, but if your “blueprint” isn’t set for success, you’re financially doomed. The reason or motivation you have for making money or creating success is vital. If your motivation for acquiring money or success comes from a non-supportive roots such as fear or anger, your money will never bring you happiness. Conversely, if you believe you are plenty, you will validate that belief and create plenty of abundance. Why? Because “plenty” will be your root, which will then become your natural way of being.

        The first step to change our subconscious mind is awareness, meaning, the first step to thinking the way rich people think is to know how rich people think. Rich people think differently from poor people. They think differently about money, wealth, themselves, other people, and pretty well every facet of life. Remember, you can choose to think in ways that will support you in your happiness and success instead of ways that don’t.

        Second, spend less than you earn. How? Pay yourself first. Deduct 10% (or even higher) off the top of your income and deposit it into your investment account. Then live on what is left over.

        And third, invest the difference. Invest your 10% surplus into investments that can earn at least 10%. A peso a day invested in 10% interest becomes a million pesos in 56 years. If you want to become a millionaire faster, then invest more money or find ways to make your money grow at higher rates of return. 

         In our next topic, we will deal on the principle of "pay yourself first" and where to put our investment funds.

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