use many indicators and signals to analyze a stock. The two most widely used
forms of analysis are fundamental
analysis and technical analysis.
most widely practiced investment strategy. It relies on studying the
fundamentals of a company before making an investment in stocks. This includes
analyzing valuation measures, such as company’s price/earning ratio,
competitive landscape, corporate initiatives, earnings history and dividend
payout. It simply evaluates if the stock of the corporation is financially or
fundamentally sound based on the following information: how long management has
been in place and its record, the competitive environment, the chances of a
company’s scoring big with a new product, and whether the company will have a
good earnings.
Fundamentalists fall into the so-called value investors and growth investors. Value
investors analyze a company’s financial situation and competitive position
to see if the share price reflects the value of the company. If the share price
is lower than the analysis suggests, the stock is a “value.” They look for
companies that are cheaply price stocks. Warren Buffett is a famed practitioner
of value investing. Growth investors are
looking at the company’s rate of earnings and revenue growth. If it is steady
and strong, a growth investor will be interested. They look for companies whose
profitability is increasing or accelerating if not adequately maintained.
analysis is more interested in both general and specific market patterns and
trends. What goes on in the market around a stock can have a pronounced effect
on a stock’s performance. For instance, in a bear market, even if the stock of
a fundamentally sound and profitable company can suffer. In this case,
investors use chart, which depicts stock price movement, volume and other
technical indicators. Charting can be very simple or very complex. A simple
charting strategy is to plot a stock’s price against a 200-day moving average. (The average is called “moving”
because it moves with each day. Tomorrow, the moving average will include today’s
price and those of the previous 199 days) A stock trading above its moving price
can be described as having a positive momentum. A stock that trades below the
moving average can be described as having a negative momentum.
Two common words among chartist are “support” and “resistance.” Using no more than a ruler, a chartist can trace a
line across the chart that shows where the price rises and declines. A stock
has support if it is bouncing off a certain price level. A stock faces
resistance when it can’t break through a certain price level. Let us say, a
company has the so-called moving average of P18 a share. If it moves lower,
hitting P16 a share, and then moves higher, doing so a few times over several
sessions, that chartist will say that the company has a support of P16 a share.
On the other hand, if that company moves higher and can’t seem to get past P22
a share, it is said to face resistance at that level.
Kinds of Charting System:
Chart. Made up of vertical bars representing chosen
time periods such as days, weeks, or months. The top and bottom points of the
bar represent respectively the highest and lowest price of stock or issue
traded for that day. The small tick on the left side of the bar stands for the
price the stock opened. The tick on the right denotes the price it closed.
Chart. Plot the closing prices of the stock and draws
a line connecting two adjacent points to create the chart.
Chart. A powerful Japanese visual tool for getting
accurate reversal and continuation patterns in market trends. The large or
thick part of the line is called the “real body,” and gives a range between the
session’s opening and closing prices.
Stock prices swing up and down due to
changes in the intensity of greed and fear. Intensity of greed has only one common
goal – to buy and make huge money, while intensity of fear is to sell stocks on
account of rising apprehension. A successful trader, differentiated from a
long-term investor, must learn to stand aside from the crowd’s influence of
greed and fear and maintain an objective viewpoint of a stock’s present
condition and well-being.
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